Our History
Turbine Technologies' designs and manufactures world-class educational laboratory products. Since our founding, we've continued to grow a product line that offers open-ended design opportunities and assists in the development of critical thinking skills.
Our products offer affordable and turnkey educational solutions to engineering faculty worldwide. Educators appreciate both the prepared laboratory exercises and open-ended design challenges made available by our turnkey systems.
Our first product entailed the design and manufacture of a small jet engine. The engine was installed into a fully instrumented test cabinet. This portable and ready to operate turbojet engine lab offered an affordable and simple solution when compared to full scale engine testing facilities. Since then, we've carried this theme of simplicity and affordability over to other complex systems. Our approach offers undergraduates real-world lab experiences that would otherwise be unavailable due to the cost and complexity of full scale devices.
Our successful educational product line continues to grow and we now offer numerous other engineering lab products to the university marketplace. Please browse our site to learn more. We'd certainly like to add your program to our growing customer family. Our systems operate at hundreds of colleges worldwide. We're privileged to call the United States Naval Academy, Princeton University, Stanford University, Ohio State and hundreds of other programs our clients and look forward to your information request.

To learn more about our products, see our educational lab product directory below