TTL’s new Mobile Engineering and Technology Training Center is now on tour!

Todd Gaines, Director of Sales stated, “For many years, we’ve been bringing prospective clients to our Chetek, Wisconsin manufacturing facility to experience first-hand operation of our unique training systems. Nearly every time we provide that experience educational programs join our growing operator family. But, we know that faculty members have limited time and travel budgets and most times can't bring key decision makers (deans, department chairs, financial foundation members, industry partners,etc.). So, over the last year, we worked to bring the experience to them. Our new self-contained, climate-controlled trailer does an exciting job of that”.

Kevin Carlson of Turbine Technologies' went on to say "We're extremely pleased with this new onsite demonstration capability. We can now offer on-campus demonstrations of some of our most popular training systems. Faculty and students will be able to get hands-on experience with numerous energy conversion and automation devices. The trailer is equipped with our fully operational jet engine lab, steam turbine power plant, and the latest and greatest in process automation and controls systems. A structures experimental rig is also on-board and allows participants to witness stress and strain characteristics of numerous test elements (I-Beam, tube, and an actual aircraft wing section). The devices also “talk” to each other and vividly portrait the “internet of things”.
For additional information, or to schedule a visit, please contact Kevin Carlson., or call 715-924-4876, ext. 115.